Quickie Combo - Push Up to Toe Touch

Here is another great exercise combo that can be used as a Quickie or can be incorporated into your exercise regimen! I used it to finish off a workout filled with chest exercises. See if you can do 2 sets of 20 of either the Standard or the Modified versions. Just do your best and remember that consistency is key. Do something active everyday!!

Have a great week! Let me know how you like this combo and if you have any requests for new Quickie Combos :)

Awesome Arms Quickie Workout

As I was taking a peak at the new Mint Condition YouTube Channel, I realized that it was lacking some upper body combos. I have used this one multiple times with clients this week. This Quickie Combo that can be used as a short workout to get your metabolism revved up or as a warm up for your already planned workout. This combo starts with a push up and then combos a core stabilizer and a downward dog. Due to the slower pace and the big stretch, this combo is great for first thing in the morning! It works your chest, triceps, shoulders and core, AND helps to get you inverted. Inversions (any move that gets your head low and your body high. Think headstand, downward dog, and shoulder stands) are great for your core strength and your balance but they are also great for your BRAIN! When you flip upside down you actually reverse your blood flow, using gravity to bring more oxygen to your brain. More blood to the brain can provide more focus, relaxation, and/or energy. Additionally, inversions do wonders for your immune system by helping to flush out your lymph nodes.

Adding handstands at the end is just a fun way to burn out your shoulders and get upside down. I grew up walking on my hands so do not feel that you have to be able to hold one. If you are a beginner, keep working on the downward dog and build up your shoulder strength. Maybe I will do a post on working up to handstands soon!