Mint Condition Mind and Body

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How to Reverse Aging

I was recently watching a Gabor Mate interview, where he discussed the concept of reversing aging. After discussing our current society's obsession of trying to look as young as possible and pointing out the extra stress and challenges that trying to look young places upon us, he said the most unexpected and amazing thing. He followed with his recommendation for reversing aging... let it go! By letting go of emotional baggage we revert back to a more child like version of ourselves. By letting go of expectations that we have created in our head, we find more room to laugh and play. By letting go of trying to keep up with the Jones' on social media, we tap into OUR true selves and not the versions we think we are supposed to be, which results in a lot less stress and a lot more joy. 

I challenge you to find one thing, big or small, that you will let go of over the next few days. Tell a friend or family member so that it feels real and then let that shit go! Inhale... and exhale. Notice if you find yourself with a little less pressure or pain and then do something that you use to love as a kid. Go for a bike ride, play hopscotch, pick up a hula hoop, shoot some hoops, watch your favorite movie from your childhood with your family, play dress up, dance like you're 8 years old and you don't yet care about your dance moves, anything. Just find some more space for fun and turn back the clock. Keep doing this over and over, and your soul won't look a day over 20.