Jennifer's Journal: Ask Me Anything
For the past few months, I have spent Sunday mornings at one of my favorite coffee shops. There is a quiet nook that I love. It is a table at a window between two bookshelves filled with books, DVDs and games. There is enough action to keep me alert and working but enough solitude (with headphones) to really get some work done.
Before I dive into work I usually spend at least the first hour reading, journaling, writing, or watching a video while I eat a bagel and sip some coffee. Sometimes my journaling looks like one long flowing thought, just writing what comes to mind. Sometimes I ask myself specific questions. Lately, I’ve been taking screenshots of questions that I think would be good journaling questions, from horoscopes, blogs/articles, books, or questions others have shared from their journaling sessions.
Below is straight from my journaling session 4/7/19:
What can I let go of?
Fear. I know I will always be working to notice fear and instead move closer to love. I would like to lean into more trust. How can I do this? Keep stoking the mediation and chakra fire. Keep doing what you are doing. Continue choosing to cook and clean instead of lounge on the couch for another hour. Continue to care for your space and for Coconut. Continue to show up for your clients, that’s really all they need from you - every thing else is extra.
The future is always going to be unknown, so fearing the future will result in an awful way to live.
If anything were possible, how would this go?
I would understand that my goal isn’t to make sales and get likes or to even get clients, my goal is to share my knowledge and my story, THAT is your purpose on this earth. It is my gift and responsibility to share what I’ve learned. My knowledge and voice will not be needed by everyone, but it will benefit MANY.
With this understanding I would create and then share, create and then share, create and then share. This process will gain experience creating and will lead you to what people need. Analytics will be helpful, but you can’t track what never gets shared. You cannot learn by hiding behind insecurities. You have everything you need.
Top priorities from now til October 13th Full Moon
Meditation - 15 minutes a day
Chakra Balancing - 5-10 minutes before bed
Meal Prep - Continue setting yourself up for less stress around food.
Walks with Coco - Daily and without electronics.
Clients - Show up and listen, continue to give them what they need in the moment.
Foundational Fitness Content - Create for fun and from the soul.
YouTube Content - Beginner yoga series.
What fundamental needs do your relationships require to thrive?
Honesty - Honesty with self and others allows for more vulnerability and therefore more connection.
Support - This stems from trust.
Love - Love that compliments. No longer looking for love that completes me.
Self Care - Fill your cup first, then share the overflow with others.
Communication - Clearly expressing myself will allow for a closer connection.
This is simply a source of inspiration to give you ideas on how to use journaling to help you get closer to yourself and therefore, closer to your healthiest, happiest life.