Anywhere Workout

Need a quick workout that can be done anywhere? Look no further! Below is a Lower Body Workout and an Upper Body Workout that cane done separate (3-5 Rounds) or back to back (3 Rounds). No excuses now, do these workouts before you start your day for all day calorie burn. One round of either would make a great 15min Morning Movement workout!!

Air Squats - Keep the weight in your heels. You should be able to wiggle your toes at the bottom. To modify use a chair and practice sitting and standing without using your hands.

Jumping Jacks - Standard jumping jacks. To modify you can do big side steps instead.

Birdfeeders - The technical name of these is a SL Deadlift. Standing tall, tip forward on one leg while allowing the other leg to lift up behind you. Reach forward and down as far as you can while maintaining your balance. Start small!!

Lunges - You can actually do any lunge variation you would like: forward lunge, reverse lunge, side lunge, or curtsey lunge. Keep your knees from traveling to far over your front toes no matter which you choose.

Kick Backs - Standing up tall and while balancing on one leg, kick the other leg back in a controlled manner. You can place one hand on the back of a couch or a countertop to allow for complete control during the lift.

Bridges - Lying on your back, bend your knees up and place your feet flat about hips widths apart. Press through your heels to lift your buns off the mat. 50 pressing up and down, then hold at the top for 60 seconds!

If you want the total package, keep moving right into the Arm Workout.

Small Arm Circles - With your arms out to the side in a T position, make small circles with your arms. Alternate directions with each set.

Mountain Climbers - In a high push up position, bring one knee in towards your chest. From that position jump and switch knees, bringing the opposite knee up and in! To modify simply slow the movement down, no jumping. Or just hold the high push up position for 20 seconds.

Plank Shoulder Touches - In a high plank position, transfer the weight to one arm and take the free hand up to your opposite shoulder. Slowly switch sides trying to minimize any hip movement. To modify perform from a modified push up position on your knees.

Push Ups - Push Ups are no joke. Start with your hands on an elevated surface, such as a couch or counter top. Slowly make your way to the ground and start from your knees. No matter which option you do, make sure your belly button is tucked in as well as your tush!!

Tricep Chair Dips - Start seated on a chair or couch. Place your hands right outside your hips. Slowly lift you buns of the chair and move slightly forward so your hips are up and out front of the chair. While keeping your hip as close to the chair, bend your elbows and lower your hips towards the ground. Level 1 will be with 90 degrees in your knees, progressing until your legs are completely straight.

Field Goal Supermans - Lying on your stomach with your arms in a field goal position, lift your legs and chest off of the ground while pulling your elbows towards each other behind your back. Keep your gaze down as to not kink the back of your neck.

Low Plank Hold - Same as a push up position, but on your elbows instead of hands. Squeezing your belly button to your spine and tucking your hips under, hold for 60 seconds.

ADVOCARE, Why I'm on Board!

When it comes to getting fit and staying fit, the key is to focus on a diet that is as clean as possible. What do I mean by clean? I mean ideally, you would only want to eat foods that were grown organically and without any added hormones or chemicals. In a perfect world, we would all grow our own food, ensuring that it was made with our health in mind and not how much money it would make us. Like I said, in a perfect world...


Life is crazy sometimes and we all have a lot on our daily to-do list, some more than others. Things that pay the bills and keep our families running smoothly tend to be at the top of the list, while spending extra time at the grocery store, farmers market and in the kitchen tend to fall towards the bottom. While it is my goal as a personal trainer to help you move those tasks higher up the list, I completely understand that sometimes we just need a little extra help in the area of nutrition. This is why I have chosen to join the Advocare Team. They offer a wide variety of products from multivitamins and their 24 Day Challenge (a comprehensive supplement and nutrition plan) to protein powders and skin care products.


PLEASE UNDERSTAND that these are supplements, meaning that they are intended to supplement a clean and healthy diet. They should never be relied on as the main source of anyones diet. For example, I keep a shaker and a meal replacement on hand at all times for those instances in which it is a better option than pulling into a fast food chain or eating the pizza that was provided at a group lunch.


It is important to research the ingredients in the products that you use regularly and beware of any known side effects. For example, the Spark Energy Mix contains sucralose (Splenda). This is known to cause headaches and stomach issues in some people as it is an artificial sweetener, and in MY OPINION should not be your main source of energy. Green tea with lemon would be a much better option on a regular basis. But having a Spark packet on hand for those times that you can't muster the energy for a workout or as a better option than the artificial syrup filled flavored coffee is perfect.


Now that all of my "disclaimers" have been expressed, I want to say that I am very excited to be able to incorporate these products into my clients regimens. In the end, we are all looking for results and if a 24 Day Challenge will get you on your way to reach your ultimate goals, I support it 100%. As long as they remain a supplement to your diet and in the end they are used to fill in any gaps that you may have, you are using the products properly and will have great success. Now who's down for some Pumpkin Spice Meal Replacements? Who hoo!!

Please visit my Advocare Site anytime to browse products and NEVER hesitate to contact me with any questions!

Quickie Combo - Push Up to Toe Touch

Here is another great exercise combo that can be used as a Quickie or can be incorporated into your exercise regimen! I used it to finish off a workout filled with chest exercises. See if you can do 2 sets of 20 of either the Standard or the Modified versions. Just do your best and remember that consistency is key. Do something active everyday!!

Have a great week! Let me know how you like this combo and if you have any requests for new Quickie Combos :)

Morning Movement - Get Some!

One of my first goals with each new personal training client is to incorporate Morning Movement into their daily routines. As a non-morning person I understand how challenging this can be and how many excuses can keep this from becoming a habit. However, If you truly want to get fit and stay fit, this one habit can make a world of difference. REASONS TO GET MOVING EVERY MORNING:

  • Starts your day with energy and mental clarity.
  • Boosts your metabolism.
  • Sets a healthy intention for the rest of your day.
  • Eliminates the procrastination of fitting in workouts throughout the week.
  • Eliminates the excuses that arise throughout the day for not being able to exercise.

Now some might read this and say, "You want me to exercise EVERYDAY?" and I will answer "YES". I am not saying you have to do a 90 minute yoga session or be the first one at the gym. What I am saying is set aside at least 15 minutes every morning to get in some sort of movement. Depending on your goals and the stage in your fitness journey this can be a variety of  activities. Morning cardio is a wise choice for those looking to lean out, while a yoga and meditation session is good for those recovering from a workout/training event or those that just need a little quiet time before their hectic day starts.

Because my schedule and job allow me multiple opportunities throughout the day to exercise, I tend to catch a few extra winks in the mornings. However, every time I squeeze in my exercise before my day actually starts, I love life that day! I'm full of energy, my body feels loose and moves without any aches or pains, and I get to enjoy my evening reading or hanging with my Boo and Bullies without having any sort of non-exercisers remorse.


Give it a try. Wake up 20 minutes early for one week, step out your front door and jog 7 minutes down your street, then jog back. Throw in a couple of stretches and you are all set!!

Other Ideas for Morning Movements:

  • One of my Quickie Workouts
  • A morning yoga sequence
  • Walk your dogs
  • Crank your favorite playlist and dance your fat off! - My favorite Playlist right now
  • Jumping Rope
  • 20 Push Ups, 20 Squats, 20 Crunches
  • Swimming
  • Commute on bike or skate board to work
  • Yard Work
  • Hoola Hooping
  • Roller Skating
  • Whatever you enjoy doing!!

I posted this video on my old blog and am still in aw every time I see it! One day I will start my morning like this:

Get moving!!

Awesome Arms Quickie Workout

As I was taking a peak at the new Mint Condition YouTube Channel, I realized that it was lacking some upper body combos. I have used this one multiple times with clients this week. This Quickie Combo that can be used as a short workout to get your metabolism revved up or as a warm up for your already planned workout. This combo starts with a push up and then combos a core stabilizer and a downward dog. Due to the slower pace and the big stretch, this combo is great for first thing in the morning! It works your chest, triceps, shoulders and core, AND helps to get you inverted. Inversions (any move that gets your head low and your body high. Think headstand, downward dog, and shoulder stands) are great for your core strength and your balance but they are also great for your BRAIN! When you flip upside down you actually reverse your blood flow, using gravity to bring more oxygen to your brain. More blood to the brain can provide more focus, relaxation, and/or energy. Additionally, inversions do wonders for your immune system by helping to flush out your lymph nodes.

Adding handstands at the end is just a fun way to burn out your shoulders and get upside down. I grew up walking on my hands so do not feel that you have to be able to hold one. If you are a beginner, keep working on the downward dog and build up your shoulder strength. Maybe I will do a post on working up to handstands soon!

Love Your Legs Workout

Summer is here and not only does the temperature start to heat up but so do our schedules. Our priorities shift from structure to leisure and exercise can sometimes take a back seat (right next to the cooler and beach bags). Summer workouts need to be efficient and be able to be done anywhere and my Love Your Legs Workout is just that! When trying to burn calories, its important to get your large muscle groups burning. Using all of your leg muscles and a majority of of your core, this workout will get them fired up. Ideally, 3 rounds with a short break (or even a short jump rope session for serious calorie burn) would  provide the best workout. HOWEVER, one of my top rules for exercise is anything is better than nothing! So if you only have time for 1 round, high five!!


Please remember that form is far more important than speed or reps. Here are some reminders:

  1. Stand up tall and suck your belly button to your spine throughout the whole workout, while still maintaining normal deep breaths.
  2. Weight should never shift onto your toes in squats or lunges.
  3. Land nice and soft on the jumping Squat Jacks - You should land like a ninja, very quietly.
  4. Progress slowly. Start with 1 round without any weights. If that feels good, work your way up to 3 rounds. Once your able to do 3 rounds, add light weights. And so on and so forth.
  5. Modify when needed. If a couple of these moves are particularly tough, scale them back a bit by not going as low into the lunge (don't take a smaller step - keep the knees from traveling forward), don't kick so high on the Birdfeeder Kicks or don't kick at all, if 25 is too many, start with 10. Just start somewhere and build :)

Stay tuned for a Summer Cardio Challenge that works great with the Love Your Legs Workout. Until then... Happy Summer!!

Healthy Habits Checklist

Very few things turn out well without a bit of planning. Sure, there's the spur of the moment celebration and the successful wing-age of a work meeting, but for the most part things run more smoothly when there is a little planning involved. I'm not saying that calendars and elaborate checklists need to be involved, but it is wise to at least think through the process and develop some sort of game plan. This is a process that I like to do at least every night before I go to bed. On good days I will start this process much earlier in the day or even the weekend before. The earlier the better, but there are the days when the time just isn't there.

To keep things nice and easy ask yourself these 3 questions:

What will you have for breakfast?

Breakfast is by far the most important meal. Make sure you have something that you can either a) make and eat before you have to leave for the day, b) can eat on the go, or c) eat as soon as you get to were it is you are going. Do not "forget" about this meal. Your body needs fuel to start burning calories and to help get your brain get started. I guarantee you will have a better day if you eat a healthy breakfast. Quick and easy options include:

  • Make before -  Iced coffee with coconut milk, eggs and sautéed spinach
  • Eat on the go - Coffee, toast with Peanut Butter and a banana
  • Double as a Snack - Coffee, No Bake Oatmeal Bites and an apple
  • Eat when you get there - Green Tea, greek yogurt with blueberries and nuts
  • Gas station saviors - Small coffee, giant bottled water, Kind Bar, banana

What is your plan for lunch?

My favorite option for lunch is leftovers or leftovers reworked. Make extra dinner and put some aside for the next day or add some chicken or salmon to a salad base that you make while dinner is cooking. You can plan to stop and grab lunch at your favorite lunch spot (lean proteins, greens, whole grain carbs - unless its a cheat day). Or you can swing into a grocery store and purchase a wrap from the deli or a pre-mixed kale salad, an avocado, and some nuts. Either way, decide on your plan the night before.

What time will you workout? 

Yoga or CrossFit class after work? Get your outfit packed and put your yoga mat in the front seat of your car to remind you all day of your plan. Make sure to hydrate throughout the day, as we tend to be less hydrated at the end of a long day.

Personal training session early in the A.M.? Lay out your clothes and get your water and other necessities ready to go and then get to bed. Depending on how early I have to get up, I sometimes sleep in part of my workout gear. Lots of sleep, or at least some extra, will help you to be able to tackle the workout head on. For me this is a requirement, otherwise I'm hitting the snooze button! Plan your breakfast to be something that you can easily digest. For me a banana and a couple of Protein Power Bites does the trick.

If you can't get a workout in because of a really crazy schedule then get in the extra activity throughout the day. Park farther away, take the stairs, do air squats, planks, or leg lifts whenever possible, crunches before bed, calf raises as you brush your teeth. I call it Stop Drop and Exercise!  Something is better than nothing.

If you would like to give yourself a fighting chance to have good food readily available, plan ahead as much as time will allow. You will realize that you like when you don't have to think about what you're going to eat and that it fits into your day much smoother than eating something "convenient" and then regretting it or feeling disgusting shortly after. Then, you will  have time to think about more important things, like which Pinterest project your gonna do this weekend. If only.