Everyday Ab Workout - Level 1

No matter who you are or what your fitness level, a strong core is a must. Most aches and pains, and injuries stem from having a weak core. Every movement starts with your mid-section so it only makes sense to make sure that it can handle all of the movement we do on an everyday basis, let alone with sports and fitness activities. Here is a workout that is aimed at beginners, but it will challenge everyone if done correctly. It focuses on quality of movement, not quantity. It takes about 10 minutes to complete so it is a great option to every morning.

Subscribe to my Mint Condition Personal Training YouTube page for other workouts and Quick Combos to add to your workouts.

If this is waayy too easy, here is an Everyday Abs Level 2!

Anywhere Workout

Need a quick workout that can be done anywhere? Look no further! Below is a Lower Body Workout and an Upper Body Workout that cane done separate (3-5 Rounds) or back to back (3 Rounds). No excuses now, do these workouts before you start your day for all day calorie burn. One round of either would make a great 15min Morning Movement workout!!

Air Squats - Keep the weight in your heels. You should be able to wiggle your toes at the bottom. To modify use a chair and practice sitting and standing without using your hands.

Jumping Jacks - Standard jumping jacks. To modify you can do big side steps instead.

Birdfeeders - The technical name of these is a SL Deadlift. Standing tall, tip forward on one leg while allowing the other leg to lift up behind you. Reach forward and down as far as you can while maintaining your balance. Start small!!

Lunges - You can actually do any lunge variation you would like: forward lunge, reverse lunge, side lunge, or curtsey lunge. Keep your knees from traveling to far over your front toes no matter which you choose.

Kick Backs - Standing up tall and while balancing on one leg, kick the other leg back in a controlled manner. You can place one hand on the back of a couch or a countertop to allow for complete control during the lift.

Bridges - Lying on your back, bend your knees up and place your feet flat about hips widths apart. Press through your heels to lift your buns off the mat. 50 pressing up and down, then hold at the top for 60 seconds!

If you want the total package, keep moving right into the Arm Workout.

Small Arm Circles - With your arms out to the side in a T position, make small circles with your arms. Alternate directions with each set.

Mountain Climbers - In a high push up position, bring one knee in towards your chest. From that position jump and switch knees, bringing the opposite knee up and in! To modify simply slow the movement down, no jumping. Or just hold the high push up position for 20 seconds.

Plank Shoulder Touches - In a high plank position, transfer the weight to one arm and take the free hand up to your opposite shoulder. Slowly switch sides trying to minimize any hip movement. To modify perform from a modified push up position on your knees.

Push Ups - Push Ups are no joke. Start with your hands on an elevated surface, such as a couch or counter top. Slowly make your way to the ground and start from your knees. No matter which option you do, make sure your belly button is tucked in as well as your tush!!

Tricep Chair Dips - Start seated on a chair or couch. Place your hands right outside your hips. Slowly lift you buns of the chair and move slightly forward so your hips are up and out front of the chair. While keeping your hip as close to the chair, bend your elbows and lower your hips towards the ground. Level 1 will be with 90 degrees in your knees, progressing until your legs are completely straight.

Field Goal Supermans - Lying on your stomach with your arms in a field goal position, lift your legs and chest off of the ground while pulling your elbows towards each other behind your back. Keep your gaze down as to not kink the back of your neck.

Low Plank Hold - Same as a push up position, but on your elbows instead of hands. Squeezing your belly button to your spine and tucking your hips under, hold for 60 seconds.