I didn’t know how numb I was.
Slowly, I am awakening. First, I was awakened to the destruction that alcohol was bringing me and that I was inviting in this destruction because I didn’t know how to love myself, only how to judge and to compare. I slowly began to feel my emotions, the emotions that alcohol had always help me numb. Then, I was awakened to the knowledge that everything in my life was created by my words and thoughts, which were anchored in all the beliefs I created and absorbed throughout my life. With those two huge pieces of information I began creating a life I didn’t want to run and numb from. I began making decisions from a place of love instead of fear. I began nurturing myself instead of waiting for someone to do it for me. I began finding outdated, fear based beliefs and reprogramming myself with new loving beliefs that felt right to ME. I began using my words to create action towards this new life, this life that deep down always I knew I had access to, but instead chose to listen to the words of others telling me what success should look like and what things would bring me happiness.
Recently, I have begun to notice a different kind of awakening. The first layer felt cerebral, this new layer feels physical. I am connecting deeper to my gut and intuition. I am listening to my heart and emotions. I am literally feeling my body wake up as I release old habits and patterns and replace them with more love. This is because I am shedding the thoughts and words that keep my energy stuck. I use to think energy levels were all about the food you ate, the sleep you did or didn’t get and the amount of exercise you got. Now, I see that those actions will only get you so far while still swimming in stuck energy. As you free the energy that lives around you, you free the ability to feel this delightfully dazzling world we live in.
Energy Field
Chakras are the spinning discs down the spine, our energetic spine. Energy flows all around us to help us feel our way through life. As this space clears so do all of our other senses (including the ones we weren’t taught in school - scientist believe we have more like 22-33 senses!!!).
My vision is more clear to the love and beauty all around. My hearing can isolate the soothing sound amongst the noise. My heart feels a buzzing sensation most of the time now. My emotions are not good our bad, they are simply guidance - you’re getting warmer, warmer… colder, colder. My body literally feels like its expanding, my energy is expanding into the space its always had but I could never reach due to fear and constant words of impossibility. As I free this space I realize just how numb I was to life’s true beauty. As my energy finds more freedom, my physical finds more freedom. As my energy opens more, my physical opens more and I can feel my way through this life Im creating.
By releasing emotional baggage, getting curious about why you do things you do, paying attention to the words you say, and caring about how you feel, you start to lighten the load that lives on your mind, body and soul. Naturally, you feel less weighed down and you begin to harness your energy towards things that power you even more; your thoughts, your habits and rituals, your actions all align to move you closer to your dreams. This is not without the work, looking at our patterns and habits and taking 100% responsibility for them is not easy. Forgiving ourselves and others is not easy, but anything worth doing takes work. On the other side of this work is more love and freedom than you could ever imagine. I didn’t believe it until I felt it. Do the work. Notice the gentle shifts. Keep doing the work. Notice the bigger shifts. Keep doing the work. Keep doing the work. There is freedom on the other side.
Action steps to begin to clear your energy:
Cleanse your energy in the Shower - Water is a great cleansing tool for energy. Let the water wash away stress or anything else that’s no longer serving you. Simply set that intention and wash it all away.
Soak in an Epsom Salt Bath - Epsom Salt is another really powerful energy clearing tool. Combo that with water in a warm soak and you will feel like a champ after this! Go nuts, add candles and music to really knock it out of the park.
Move your body - Shake it out, dance, stretch, walk, stand in mountain pose, do yoga, literally move the energy around and it will clear itself.
Cleansing Breaths - Take a long, slow, deep breath in through the nose and slowly let it out the mouth. Take at least three breaths to clear tension and negativity. Do this early and often!
Use Earths Energy to Clear - Play in the grass. Climb trees or mountains. Swim in the ocean. The earth is like a giant energetic source for us to use in any way we feel is needed. Feet in the earth brings clam grounding energy. A swim in the ocean releases and creates flow. Climbing to the tree tops or mountain tops can inspire action light us up from within.
Express Your Emotions - Letting your thoughts and words flow out releases them. Journaling is a super simple way to do this but if you’re not into journaling, do this in another way - art, music, poems, speak the words into a recording device, talk to a counselor or therapist. Holding in the daily thoughts and letting them spin in place in our minds becomes overwhelming and pushes us to use outside sources to comfort and cope. Getting them out clears that space for more creativity, love, energy to flow.
Reiki - This has been a game changer for me. Reiki is an extremely safe and gentle way of using your hands to help clear the stagnant energy in our chakras and fields. To fully grasp the understanding of reiki would be similar to grasping the understanding of how radios or electricity work. You don’t have to completely understand to benefit from them. Find a reiki practitioner and experiment with a session. This a simple practice that you can easily become attuned to and perform on yourself and your loved ones.
Meditate - There are lots of guided energy clearing mediations. My favorite is to simply meditate on a bright white light flowing through my center and getting bigger and bigger, with the intention of that light clearing the energy around me. There is evidence that the mind doesn’t know the difference between really strong thought and reality. We can use our imagination to visualize chakra colors, roots being sent into the earth for support, hearts expanding to feel more love, whatever you need to change how we feel. Because our energy is affected by our thoughts so strongly, we can use this to our advantage.
What do you have to lose?
If you’re thinking that this is too woo-woo for you, too simple to be real, too crazy to actually work, I challenge you to play with some of these energy clearing techniques for the next few weeks - from now until 2020 and see if you notice a difference. None of these (expect maybe the reiki session) cost any money. None of these require proficiency or experience. None of these take too much time. These are free, energy changing (aka life changing) tools that you can use to create your best self and your best life.