Use What You Have Workouts... Camping
“Start where you are.Use what you have. Do what you can. ”
I love this quote. So many times I have the urge to post-pone any actions until I am completely ready, until I have enough time or enough money, or until I know I can do it just right. The problem with this thought process is that the perfect moment can take a very long time to show or perhaps never show at all. Instead of waiting for the stars to align, I have found that if you just get started the rest starts to fall into place for you.
This idea applies to health and wellness in such an awesome way. You don't need to have the latest gadget, the perfect workout, or the cleanest diet plan in order to start making changes. Just start moving and slowly you will see how new experiences will fall at your feet, begging for you to kick it up a notch!!
Below is an example of a workout I whipped up using a pair of dumbbells and a picnic table while I was on a recent camping trip. Don't have dumbbells? Use canned goods or water bottles.
Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff!! - Enjoy :)