How's 2017 so far?

I have a had a really up and down 2017 so far. I know that its only been 18 days but I am so looking forward for my life to settle down. I had grand plans of meal prepping every meal and working out and going to yoga regularly. And then I got sick. Since then I've been struggling with a sinus infection while my dogs are itchy and irritated from pesky allergies and annoying vet visits. While I have had some really awesome training session and absolutely loving teaching yoga, I've also had some silly car mishaps as well as distance from close friends and long nights that led to mornings of regret. My boyfriend is selling the home we're in, requiring all sorts of cleaning, and projects filling up free time and now we get to begin the process of finding a new place to live, packing, moving and finally settling in. While I know that every experience is an assignment, I'd like to take a break and just chill for a bit. Can you help me out with that Universe?

Today I came upon this quote by Deepak Chopra:

"Knowing that you co-create your reality is powerful information. It means that you can relinquish the idea that your life is rigidly predetermined and open up to the possibility that whatever has transpired thus far, you have the capacity to create something new. This shift in awareness is the first step toward manifesting your deepest desires for happiness, health, and love.
Once you recognize the possibilities of creating a new reality, it becomes your opportunity and responsibility to envision what it is you'd like to create. Despite the script you've been reading up until this point, you have the capacity to begin writing new dialogues. Assuming authority for your life means accepting the role of author as well as the leading character in your story."

Now I've read this a few times before but this time I was meant to completely understand it. I don't have to just sit back and wait for the Universe to make things happen for me, I am responsible for my story. This came as great reminder that no matter where I am on my path to living my truest life, I can always make changes and turn down a different path. I am not stuck in the land of ups and downs. While they will always be there in some way, shape, or form I can rewrite my story to be filled with balance and self care. I will be continuing to turn my efforts inwards and neglect the outside stressors, instead of the other way around. Still hopeful for 2017.

The new year brings new things.

I'm a yoga teacher!! If you follow me on social media you will already know this, but just in case you don't, I'm a yoga teacher!! I am absolutely loving this new challenge. Even though I've been a personal trainer for over 10 years, guiding a group through a yoga session is a very different experience. As with most new and different experiences I am learning a lot and enjoying the hell out of each and every class. 

With the addition of yoga to my services I decided to make a little change to my business name. From here forward it is now Mint Condition Mind and Body. With this change I will also be changing up the intention of my site and my business. My aim is to touch more people. No, not in a creepy way, in a loving and inspiring way. Here are some things to look forward to in the near future:

  • YouTube Channel Update - I will slowly be creating workouts, yoga and meditation sessions, meal prep ideas, and any other tidbits that might be helpful. I will also have a Private Channel for my Private Clients.
  • Private Yoga - In addition to Private In-Home Personal Training I now offer Private In-Home Yoga for you and your friends and family. 
  • Corporate Yoga - I am looking to help infuse local businesses with the stress reducing, muscle stretching, mind focusing benefits of yoga and meditation. I can tailor sessions to meet your employees physical and mental needs, leaving them refreshed and ready to tackle their work head on. 
  • Special Event Yoga - Have a group event coming up that might need some fun yet relaxing energy? Lets plan a yoga session for your crew. Bridal Parties, Birthdays, Spa Day Events, Girls Weekends, Family Reunions.
  • Health and Wellness Consulting - Have you always wanted a trainer but your schedule or budget won't allow it? Let me be your online accountability buddy. Together we will devise a workout and nutrition plan that is doable for you. Then we will check in through video chat and email throughout your week to ensure you stay on track. 

More information on all of these services will be on the site soon, until then email me if you are interested:

I read somewhere recently that 2016 was the year of cleaning house and that 2017 would be the year that we redecorate. I am loving this analogy and so ready to redecorate my world with a little more love, health and wellness. Namaste :)


You Cannot Hack Health and Wellness.

I have seen numerous articles with some sort of "10 Simple Weight Loss Hacks" type of title. While these articles usually have great tips that will in fact contribute to weight loss, the term hack does not sit well with me. These articles fall in line with any sort of "Lose Weight Fast" or even worse "Lose 30 lbs in 30 Days" type articles and I have had enough.

First off, it is unhealthy to lose weight really fast because in order to do so you have to go to extremes, both in your calorie intake and in your exercise intensity and duration. Even further, these extreme measures are not able to be maintained long term, resulting in very short term weight loss (most of which is water and muscle loss). Who the hell wants to do all of that work for such a short pay off?? I know who, individuals that have bought into the instant gratification nonsensical bullshit that our society has pushed on everyone. From weight loss to get rich quick schemes, everyone is looking for the short cut, the magic pill, the fat sucking wrap or machine, the money back guarantee for their happiness. 

When it comes to losing weight there is a way to use magic to your advantage. When you decide that you are going to make changes in order to lose weight and feel better about yourself, you discover other wonderful changes that start to happen in your life. Even more, when you decide to approach your weight loss goals with love and kindness, aiming to make your life richer and more fulfilling, magical things start to happen. You start to try new things, new foods, new forms of activity. You start to feel more comfortable in your own skin, glowing with confidence and smiling from the inside out. You start to have more energy and less sickness, enabling you to experience more things. You start to meet new people that share this love of choosing fun and rejuvenating activities over ones that simply involve eating and drinking. Most of all you start to develop a serious sense of self-love that opens the door to a new and wonderful way of living life. If you use these new experiences as your daily dose of inspiration, your weight will start to disappear, like magic.


The Concern for Looking Good

Along my recent self-care journey I have learned to notice when I am participating in acts of harm instead of love and kindness. This has become evident when I am driving in the car and someone makes an unsafe move that in my eyes is extremely selfish and just out-right rude. I notice unkind thoughts when I see people who may or may not look like they are going to the club while at the gym and hog equipment. I feel these icky and entitled feelings when I witness someone who has clearly not yet taken any time to grow and evolve out of their current self destructive states, yet continue to complain about there situation. The craziest thing about this is that I too have done all of these things many times. Well, maybe not so much the full make up and coordinated outfits for working out, but I have planned special socks or my favorite shirt when I have chosen to show up (and blow up) at CrossFit. #subucrossfit

The more and more I break down these acts of unkindness, the more and more noticeable they become, the most shocking of which is when I am unkind to myself. The most recent example of this was while I was at the gym working out. I was warming up on the treadmill planning my workout, and in my head I was saying things like "Well, since you had extra alcohol and junk foods over the holiday weekend, you need to move your fat ass and really get after it," and "Ugh, I feel so bloated and squishy, go faster!!!", and "Why the hell did you eat beer cheese?".  As I was saying these unkind things to myself, it dawned on me that I would never speak to any of my clients in this manner, so why did I think it was acceptable to do so to myself?

It all comes back to a little concept that I learned in yoga teacher training last month, the concern for looking good.  This doesn't specifically mean in a physical manner, although this is how I noticed it this particular time. What this concept really means is the fear of not living up to standards, the fear of not looking like a professional, the fear of looking stupid or clueless, the fear of messing up, the fear of not looking like I have my shit together 24/7. If you dial back most things that we do not enjoy or that we come at in an unkind way, you will probably find some sort of concern for looking good.

When it comes to my body and my body image, I have good body image. I have things that I wish I could have removed, lasered, plumped, hoisted, and smoothed but when I get hung up on these things I take a moment to appreciate the good. I am beyond grateful that my body shows up every morning and works hard for me everyday. I have now fostered a love of taking care of my body and making changes, sacrifices, and time to reward it for all of that hard work. So what's the big deal then? Why so unkind to myself?

Well, even though I know about this little concept, it doesn't mean that I don't still struggle with it, I will forever be a work in progress. My hang up is in comparing myself to the self imposed standards of being a personal trainer, standards that I automatically assume people are thinking when I'm in a bathing suit. I get caught in the same traps as others, wishing for different and stressing about being good enough. I beat myself up when I stray from my plan and I go overboard sometimes to "regain balance". The best part of this is that I now notice when it happens. I recognize the nastiness and I snap myself out of it rather quickly. By taking the time to check in and ask myself why I'm having particular thoughts I am able to get one step closer to preventing them from happening. I remind myself that we are all one, no one person better or worse than another, we are all equal as well as amazing in our own right. This might sound hookie and earthy-crunchy but I double dog dare you to start to look for unkind words, whether to yourself or others. Once you begin to see it you can change it.

"Experiencing our body through our ego's eyes will always kick up feelings of inadequacy and separateness."  - Gabby Bernstein 

Do this everyday.

I have been known to say, or should I say hashtag, #sweateveryday. I prefer this to "workout everyday" because when people hear the word workout they tend to get overwhelmed, thinking that this means they need to spend an hour at the gym or run a long distance, or attend a 90 minute yoga class EVERYDAY! When you break it down to simply doing something that makes you sweat everyday, this allows for your activity to align with your fitness level and takes away some of the loftiness of having to exercise everyday. 

This thought process can be applied to many different aspects of life but there are three areas that I would like for you to try and apply it to EVERYDAY! Everyday you should aim to do something to nurture your Mind, Body and Spirit. I understand that our to-do lists are already so jam packed but again, this doesn't have to be lengthy and time consuming, and more often than not these tasks will help to give you more energy, remain more focused and help you to have a more efficient day. Additionally, many of these overlap, helping to nurture more than one area. 


This area has always been at the forefront for me, possibly even more than nurturing the body. I love to learn and have a bad habit of looking up facts that I don't know the answers to in the middle of a conversation. Thank you Google. Sorry friends that I am in conversation with. Here are some simple ways to make sure that you are keeping your mind healthy on a daily basis.

  • Meditation - This one seems daunting, but with the help of short guided mediations that you can find online, 5 minutes of mediation can do wonders. Just like anything else the more you do it the easier it becomes to turn off your mind and get a moment of peace. The simple act of following my breath in and out as I breathe has done wonders for my anxiety issues that I have suffered in the past. I use an App called and I love it. I have also found others that I like on Spotify. (Mind, Body and Spirit)
  • Read - Reading has been proven to be beneficial in so many ways. Not only is it entertaining and educational, it can help you to relax and sleep better (unlike TV and Computers which stimulate), and it can keep your mind sharp with the added possibility of defending your brain from Alzheimer's disease. Not sure what to read? Ask a friend or coworker for some recommendations and I am sure they will have a short list for you to try and possibly even borrow. (Mind and Body)
  • Play Games - Card games, board games, logic and puzzle games all force you to strategize and think, keeping your mind in tip top shape. 


This is an easier area for me, but only because I adopted the "sweat everyday" mentality a long time ago. One day I will attend a 90 minute yoga class, the next I will have a five song dance party in my kitchen with my pups while I cook. Keep it simple and most of all fun.

  • Sweat - Walk, jog, run, dance, swim, bike, skip, jump rope, hike, canoe, surf, skate, hoola hoop, climb stairs, climb trees, climb mountains, lift weights, stretch, do yoga, do an exercise video or class, 10/20/30 through out your day (10 push ups, 20 squats, 30 crunches or 30sec plank hold), play with your kids or pets. Vary these activities throughout your week for best results, choosing some longer activities and some shorter based on your allotted time. (Body and Mind)
  • Hydrate - I cannot stress this enough. When people say they don't like drinking water or they just don't think about it, I tend to get really fired up. Forget about it being good for you for just one minute and realize how lucky you are to even have clean drinking water. According to, 884 Million people in the world lack access to safe water sources. Do you understand how for granted we take having access to water from a faucet or a store and not have to travel miles to get water from a semi-polluted source for your daily activities (hygiene, hydration, cooking)? Even if you don't like it, drink it in appreciation for your life and your body!! Just do it already. Another reason that everyone should drink more water is that dehydration can cause sleepiness. Anyone here ever too tired throughout their day and could use some extra energy? I rest my case. (Body and Mind)
  • Sleep - Again, I sense some eye rolling here. Sleep is the time in which our bodies, and our minds reboot from a long day of activity. If you do not give yourself the proper amount of time to sleep (shoot for 7-9 hours) your mind and body never get to sort through the day before and recharge for the next day. Results of lack of sleep include but are not limited to: lack of alertness, impaired memory, relationship stress, and QUALITY OF LIFE!! What's more important than the quality of your life?? Do what ever needs to be done to create a sleep pattern that supports your MIND and your BODY.


No matter what your spiritual beliefs are, the following activities will help to keep the one body that we have in optimum health. 

  • Be Still - Meditation, prayer, and yoga all intend to quiet your mind from the incessant chatter that occurs inside us everyday. Take a few moments to sit and do nothing. This allows the universe, God, or a higher being to open your spirit to new possibilities. Don't believe me? Try it out for a few weeks and see what happens.
  • Spend Quality Time - By quality time I mean time in which you can actually connect with one another. Not watching TV or amidst the hustle and bustle of a crowded place, but in a place where you are free to talk and listen to one another. Go for a hike, listen to easy going music, make a meal together. Also, analyze the people that you are spending that quality time with. Are they people that feed your soul or suck it dry? Life is too short and quality time is too scarce to be spent with people that leave you feeling tired or stressed.
  • Play the Smile Game - I often see how many random people I can get to smile throughout my day. There are a lot of people that feel they don't have much to smile about or that are having a stressful day and there is nothing better than breaking their day of worry and sadness with a friendly smile, a gracious "Thank You", and even a chuckle from an oh-so-corny joke or pun (my specialty).

While there are many other activities that help to nurture your Mind, Body, and Soul but this list is filled with ones that overlap, making it easier to nurture all three as well as ones that are so easy that you can squeeze them into a busy schedule.

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, your body with sweaty fun, and your spirit with both stillness and laughter, EVERYDAY."