Self-Care Round Up
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it many times more… Self-care changed my life. Having hit a rough patch in my life a few years ago, I began getting curious about my role in my current situation. When looking closer, I discovered a lack of true self-care despite being a personal trainer and lover of exercise.
Moving the body is a form of self-care but it loses its luster when the motivation is only driven by thoughts of changing the physical self. Self-care introduces the concept of doing things for the sole intention of demonstrating that you care for the self. You care how you feel. You care what you are inputing, both physically and mentally, so that you can learn what’s healthiest for your ideal optimal output.
Self-care is an individual practice and requires experimentation. The purpose of each tool is to shift our state, even if just a little bit towards balance; towards ease; towards restoration & rejuvenation. Gather many, many tools because there will always be days where we need them all to handle the bumps and the detours that becoming a fulfilled human inevitably brings. An additional benefit of self-care is over time this care for the self grows into what’s known as self-love.
Below are some Self-Care faves:
It’s important to understand the signs that alert us that we are in need of self-care. And equally it is as important that we have a strategy or a plan to give ourselves what we need regularly. Above you can find guidance and some inspirational categories to get you started! And for more detailed information or examples of specific acts of self-care be sure to visit the Self-Care section of the resources center!
Below is a short video on Self-Care as well as a Yoga class that is a sampling of our Online Wellness Program; Foundations.
What exactly counts as self-care?
Teaser from Foundations Online Wellness Membership
Music* and Sound baths are great ways to add moments of ease throughout the day when there isn’t time for focused self-care. In times of stress and overwhelm a few stolen moments with your favorite music or sound bath can lift the spirits and help you manage the moment until you can give your routine full attention. *Music playlists — In various places of the resources center you will find some of my favorite playlists; use these as inspiration to create your own playlists that meet your every day needs — morning routines; exercise; relax/bedtime.
If you already have an integrated self-care routine than you might be ready for the next level of self-care. In the Heal Your Energy section of the FREE RESOURCE CENTER you can find practices, playlists, sound baths and more that can be implemented into your self-care routines.
Are you ready to take your self-care routine up a notch? Want to go deeper? Check out all the offerings in the Mint Condition store and guided classes at our Learn it Live platform page.