Yoga or CrossFit class after work? Get your outfit packed and put your yoga mat in the front seat of your car to remind you all day of your plan. Make sure to hydrate throughout the day, as we tend to be less hydrated at the end of a long day.
Personal training session early in the A.M.? Lay out your clothes and get your water and other necessities ready to go and then get to bed. Depending on how early I have to get up, I sometimes sleep in part of my workout gear. Lots of sleep, or at least some extra, will help you to be able to tackle the workout head on. For me this is a requirement, otherwise I'm hitting the snooze button! Plan your breakfast to be something that you can easily digest. For me a banana and a couple of Protein Power Bites does the trick.
If you can't get a workout in because of a really crazy schedule then get in the extra activity throughout the day. Park farther away, take the stairs, do air squats, planks, or leg lifts whenever possible, crunches before bed, calf raises as you brush your teeth. I call it Stop Drop and Exercise! Something is better than nothing.
If you would like to give yourself a fighting chance to have good food readily available, plan ahead as much as time will allow. You will realize that you like when you don't have to think about what you're going to eat and that it fits into your day much smoother than eating something "convenient" and then regretting it or feeling disgusting shortly after. Then, you will have time to think about more important things, like which Pinterest project your gonna do this weekend. If only.